![Apartmány Rokytka - Praha - Apartmán EXCLUSIVE](https://img.book-travel.net/apartmanyrokytkapraha/kbppiv-2289759-prague_w270h152a1c1bgcfff.jpg)
Apartmány Rokytka - Praha
Prague close to center → Libeň, Prague 8 • 2.8 mi ( 4.5 km ) from Public transport station Čimice![Hotel Frýdl s.r.o. Praha](https://img.book-travel.net/frydl/18209712-pensjonat-frydl-praga_w270h152a1c1bgcfff.jpg)
![ART HOTEL PRAHA Praha](https://img.book-travel.net/arthotelpraha/art-hotel-praha-prague-683973_w270h152a1c1bgcfff.jpg)
![Apartments Letna Praha](https://img.book-travel.net/letnaapt/dsc-0028-letna-i-apartament-praga_w270h152a1c1bgcfff.jpg)
Apartments Letna
Prague close to center → Holešovice, Prague 7 • 2.8 mi ( 4.6 km ) from Public transport station ČimiceApartments Letna is situated near the center of Prague, close to the Fair Ground Area and the National Gallery of Modern Art in a quiet area.
![Hostel Mikoláše Alše Praha - Třípokojový apartmán, Dvoupokojový apartmán, Dvoulůžkový apartmán s možností přistýlky](https://img.book-travel.net/pramikolase/asqt45-pramikolase-prague_w270h152a1c1bgcfff.jpg)
![Letna II Praha](https://img.book-travel.net/letnaii/25905363-2290507-praha_w270h152a1c1bgcfff.jpg)
![Apartments house Amandment Praha](https://img.book-travel.net/capri/capri-hotel-capri-praha_w270h152a1c1bgcfff.jpg)
![VŠ kolej Bubeneč Praha](https://img.book-travel.net/vskolejbubenec/nxwumv-2290545-prague_w270h152a1c1bgcfff.jpg)
VŠ kolej Bubeneč
Prague → Prague 6 • 2.9 mi ( 4.6 km ) from Public transport station ČimiceUniversity College Bubeneč is an accommodation facility, which is located in Prague 6 - Bubeneč. University College Bubeneč offers hostel accommodation in single, double and triple rooms, which are well furnished and have a pleasant and comfortable environment. University College Bubeneč is designed for year-round residence for students and hostel accommodation for tourists and other visitors. During the stay is available to guests dining at a nearby cafeteria or in nearby surrounding restaurants. Right in the hall rails are also available machines with food.
![Hotel Belvedere Praha](https://img.book-travel.net/belvedere/hotel-belvedere-10_w270h152a1c1bgcfff.jpg)
![Hostel Prosek Praha](https://img.book-travel.net/hostelprosek/ekt5nj-2291785-praha_w270h152a1c1bgcfff.jpg)
Hostel Prosek
Prague out of center → Prosek, Prague 9 • 2.9 mi ( 4.7 km ) from Public transport station Čimice![Hotel ARKO Praha](https://img.book-travel.net/hotelarko/13804061-2291274-praga_w270h152a1c1bgcfff.jpg)
![Apartment Letna 7 Praha](https://img.book-travel.net/praletnai/apartment-letna--praha-apartmany-letna-13_w270h152a1c1bgcfff.jpg)